Traditional Witchcraft for Beginners - Day 1 of 366

We all start somewhere. For me it started when I was 16 and had developed a curiosity for spirituality and religion. I would read as many books and articles as I could find, trying to discern where my path fit in the bigger scheme of things. Finding a connection to spirituality and mother nature I focused my reading on Witchcraft. Wicca was the most popular form at the time, but the new age ideas were not for me. I learned more of the ways of Hedgewitches and Green Witches, knowing this is what I could relate to.

I became distracted with the bigger things happening in my life and I would stray from my reading and learning. I would dabble and remember my interest but nothing more than that. They say that things happen in life for a reason and my interest in becoming a Green Witch has grown with a few recent events prompting me to take a deeper look.

Today I am dedicating the next year and a day to learning everything I can about Traditional Witchcraft and the ways of the Green Witch. Today, the 5th of April 2016, will start my journey of being an Apprentice Green Witch.

Everyone has different skills and an individual connection to the energies of the earth. I have found that my skills lie with nature and the earth. Growing and aiding mother nature, sharing in the benefits of herblore.

I have found a place that speaks to me. A little piece of earth in my very own backyard. I have claimed it as my own and for the next year and a day I will visit it often. I will keep it clear of rubbish, I will not disturb the animals that pass through. I have made it known that I am there as a student in this special place, I am there to protect it and learn from it and aid it in its transformation into a lush witches garden. I will take notes, make watercolour paintings and take photos. I will note the changes in weather and record my observations about the animals that I encounter. I will encourage new growth and maintain the circle of life with composting and fertalising. I will also sit quietly, listening to the earth and nature around me. For four seasons I will allow mother nature to tutor me.

Day 1 of 366


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