
My wishlist of books is currently twice the length of my current collection, but we all have to start somewhere.

My Library

The Real Witches Garden: Spells, Herbs, Plants and Magical Spaces Outdoors by Kate West
This is the first book I decided to get when I knew I was going to commit to a year and a day of studying and growing my own Witch's Garden. I've read good things about Kate West and I knew I needed to learn as much as I could with regards to what to plant and how to then use it in the kitchen.

Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore and Herb Craft by Ann Moura
I have felt this book covers a bit more about Wicca than I expected but learning about family traditions and herb craft has been very helpful. 

The Real Witches' Handbook: The Definitive Handbook of Advanced Magical Techniques by Kate West
I had come across this book in my youth and I find the information provided very useful. Even though I do not consider myself a Wiccan, there is still a lot I can learn from this book.

A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magick By Lisa Peschel
One of the things I've been reading up on are Runes, I've heard good things about this book as a reference guide so I ordered it.

The Way of the Hedge Witch: Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home By Arin Murphy
Great book for someone who wants to read about simple, down to earth, home based witchcraft.

The Complete Herbs Sourcebook: An A to Z Guide of Herbs to Cure Your Everyday Ailments By David Hoffman
This book explains how your body system works and gives you advise how to diagnose and treat your ailments (sickness). Ideally you can gather herbs and prepare your own remedies using this guide.

My Wishlist

Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows by Ann Moura
I have heard great things about this book as a reference tool when creating your own Grimoire. I feel it would help my studies and bring me inspiration for my craft. 

Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch : A Complete Book of Lunar Magic By Ann Moura
This is the only guidebook available that uses Mansions of the Moon correspondences to empower Esbat rituals and spellwork.

Craft of the Wild Witch: Green Spirituality and Natural Enchantment by Poppy Palin
Wild Witchcraft is a magical, free-spirited philosophy that embraces nature. This book resonates with me and I know I'll find it an excellent reference as I develop my craft. 

Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
I can't believe I'm only hearing about this one now! Ideally I should have stared my collection with this book, however I'm sure it would have overwhelmed me with its wealth of information. I've been told this is a must have book for my journey. 

Scottish Witchcraft and Magick : The Craft of the Picts By Raymond Buckland
I love learning about the history of Witchcraft and this book will help me learn the history of these mysterious early Keltic people, their origins, beliefs, and celebrations. This book also explores the magic, sacred tools, herbal lore, song and dance, and recipes of the Scottish PectiWita tradition.

Traditional Witchcraft for the Woods and Forests : A Witch's Guide to the Woodland with Guided Meditations and Pathworking By Melusine DracoThis guide will help me learn more about the trees around me and how to use this within my practices.

Hedge Witch : Spells, Crafts and Rituals for Natural Magick By Silver Ravenwolf
I've heard this is Perfect for beginning hedge witches and followers of any natural magickal path.

Seasons of Witchery : Celebrating the Sabbats with the Garden Witch By Ellen Dugan
In this book Ellen offers readers a wealth of magical ways to celebrate the wheel of the year.


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