They're different, we're different

I remember when I first came across Witchcraft as a teenager. The idea just stuck with me, being able to collect stones, crystals, and symbols to help you create positive energy. Rituals that helped you calm your mind and focus on a project or task. When I first started practicing Witchcraft all witches were assumed to be Wiccans. I never connected with the religion and rules of Wicca and I soon put it all down to teenage defiance and curiosity.

Years later I discovered that earth magic and the ways of the green witch, I knew I had found what I had been looking for all those years ago. I don't believe in any deities, my energy and magic is from the earth. Everyone has a different way of living and believing, this is mine.

Wicca and Witchcraft are not the same thing. For all the details check out this amazing post by Blue Moon Manor, it answers any questions you might have.

Day 11 of 366



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