I have been growing a garden and working in nature to supply myself with things I need to live a comfortable life. I hope to create my very own essential oils, dried herbs, other such items through working on my own garden. I work with herbs and flowers, crafting potions and lotions, oils, and salves. I craft with wood and stone, paper and wax. My practices are focused in nature and the ways of Traditional Witchcraft.
The work I do is very organic and instinctive, I have carved a place for myself and I hold to no set rules but create my own as I work and grow. I love to have grass underneath my feet, herbs and flowers growing in my garden, bees, and birds making the most of my offering.
My home is in the suburbs of Melbourne but like any green thumb I make the most of the space available to me. My garden is a place of peace and love, my secret retreat where I can truly be myself. To learn more about my journey check out my bio by following this link.
If you are interested in Traditional Witchcraft, green witches, kitchen witchery, hedgewitchery, or the craft, feel free to contact me or comment. I hope you enjoy reading!