The Calendar and Ceremonial Magic: Researching Altar Items

For a long time I have been thinking about whether or not I want an altar. Years back when I was first interested in Witchcraft I was told that Wiccan's must have one, and back then I did have one. Now that I have decided Wicca is not the path for me I'm still undecided regarding an indoor altar.

An altar is not merely a construct that sits above us on a high, square, flat table. Now that I have been doing more reading I realise that some altars are small and fit into a closet, other altars are large enough to hold a group of people. Some are round and some have several levels. Some altars are built indoors and others can only exist outdoors. Some are in temples and some are in trees. 

People build altars for different reasons. My research is helping me to define what I want from the spaces I live in and if an altar would assist me in my witchcraft. 

When I narrow it down I know my garden is like my altar. It is the space I spend a lot of time in and reflecting on mother nature and the energy of the earth. In some ways I would like to bring this into my home so that on days I am not able to get into the garden I can still practice gratitude and share my energy using space I can really focus. 

This is what brings me to the idea of terrarium altar. Or at least using indoor plants and terrariums in the space. I could easily make this the storage space for all my crystals and other tools as well so that everything is in one place when I need it.

I have a tall chest of draws that I think would work really well for this, as well as some baskets that can hang from the ceiling. Given this is an indoor activity I should be able to start this now and continue during winter as needed.  

I really like this idea. Having a small space where I can write and work on my spells or plans for the garden. Incorporating plenty of green to remind me of my focus but also being able to acknowledge the seasons and elements. While I don't worship deities, symbols to represent energy and the earth will be a good inclusion. A little something to remind me where my power comes from and to help me focus my energy.

Day 38 of 366


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