Moon Phases


Every month the moon will transition through phases depending on the amount of surface exposed to the sun’s light. For example, a full moon is seen when the whole moon is illuminated by the sun, whereas the quarter moon is when only the right-hand side of the moon is illuminated. The moon is part of the reason life was able to form on Earth and is key to our survival even today. 

I have found the best place to start with learning lunar energy and how to use it, is to learn all about when the full and new moons of the year fall. Knowing when they occur will help me plan and really use all the potential of these moon phases for practice and manifestations. 

So in this post I will share what I have discovered and what kind of magical workings may work best during any given phase. 

New Moon

The start of the lunar phases. An entirely new frame of experience is unfolding and there is no way to begin something other than taking the first leap. The new moon is the time to start new projects and to take a fresh look at any and all situations. The Moon appears dark or as only a thin sliver in our sky, but it’s just been infused with the Sun’s light and will release that energy throughout the following phases until it meets the Sun again. The moon will remain dark for three days after the waning before waxing begins.

Magical Workings- cleansing and purifying, new projects, job hunting, Emergence, Starting a new cycle or frame of experience, Instinctual, spontaneous, impulsive, Charging forward with no to little external light for guidance, Driven to experience and initiate, Freedom to try it out

Waxing Moon

The Moon has moved far enough away from the Sun in the crescent phase to be a substantial crescent of light in the sky, even coming close to a half-moon toward the later degrees. The waxing moon represents growth. This is the period during which the moon grows from dark to light. This phase lasts roughly two weeks. This is the time to work “positive” magic—that is magic that draws things to you or increases things in your life.

Magical Workings & Energies- prosperity, health, success, courage, luck, expansion, struggle to give and recognize value, meaning, and purpose, the old challenges the new, intense struggle to get out of old patterns, determination, exhaustion, focus, the embodiment of what was initiated in the prior phase.

First Quarter Moon

The first quarter phase is dynamic and generative, very much like Leo, its associated sign. The waxing moon is at least half full and quite noticeable in the sky. This phase begins with the first quarter square, and squares are always a challenge. When working with the Moon the challenge is very personal. It’s an opportunity for the private and public selves to integrate in a new way. This is an “act in the moment of passion” phase. Anything less than wholehearted just feels empty. Of course, there will be times when it doesn’t work out so well, and the best approach is to be objective and correct course something individuals in this phase are learning.

Magical Workings & Energies - Action, Forceful activity without much forethought, Testing things out to see what works, Results of action hit you right in the face, Subjective and may not own results, Taking the show on the road

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The gibbous phase is the final waxing phase. In the sky, the Moon is almost full and there’s an impending sense of wonder that something magical is about to be revealed. This is the last call to change the shape or construction of the thing that’s been growing since the new phase. Gibbous is a phase of crisis through self-analysis—questioning one’s purpose and the ability to live it and do it well enough. This is a time to forgive yourself for past mistakes and for previous actions or inaction.

Magical Workings & Energies - overcoming, self-analysis leading to self-improvement, the potential for shifts in perception, tight mental activity and struggle to release criticism, developing techniques and tools, stepping back to adjust, improve, perfect, and fine-tune. 

Full Moon

In the soli-lunar full phase, the Moon is the biggest and brightest, symbolizing illumination, awareness, and fulfillment. The full moon represents harvest and balance and is the easiest to distinguish of the moon phases.  Most pagans consider the full moon cycle to include both the day before and the day after the actual full moon. This is a good time to focus on personal growth and spiritual development. It’s time to see life from a clear and broad perspective and put it to meaningful use. There’s always the potential that the result of efforts can’t or won’t reach its potential for meaningfulness. Intentions don’t always work out, and in these cases, the remaining waning cycle is spent learning, accepting, and letting go. 

Magical Workings & Energies - healing, divination, love, knowledge, money, dreams, Fulfillment, completion, fruition, Culmination or the inability to go on, Learning through the mirror and may project onto others, Social and intellectual emphasis, focus on the relationship, The results of the entire waxing cycle are visible, Recognizing and learning what to do with the results 

Waning Gibbous Moon

In the soli-lunar disseminating phase, the Moon is waning, but still a strong presence in the sky. Individuals born under this phase are seeking to contribute to society in a meaningful way. They need to achieve something with whatever talents and skills they were born with or developed. The Capricornian energy of this phase has a serious and practical edge that isn’t satisfied with anything less than solid, productive, respectable results. Whatever reached maturity with the full phase must be applied in a useful way.

Magical Workings & Energies - Demonstration—presenting and making use of what you’ve learned, Working within the rules and structure of society, Sharing knowledge and wisdom, Making results useful and meaningful to society, Conditioned responses break down, Reaching maximum growth point and recognizing it


Third Quarter Moon 

The soli-lunar last quarter phase is the challenge of re-orientation. Just like the last quarter square that begins this phase, this is a crisis in consciousness. The entire soli-lunar cycle is reaching the end and now the individual must accept responsibility for actions and realize the deeper meaning of his or her choices. It takes time and perspective to see what we truly are, and by the last quarter phase, the Moon has moved far enough away from the Sun to be more of a free agent in observation. In the sky, the Moon is half full, but it’s waning, so more accurately half empty. There’s enough light to work with, but it’s on its way out. Time is critical and individuals in this phase feel the shift to liberate from the past and give the future the best chance. 

Magical Workings & Energies - Reorientation, Self in context of the greater good, Pinnacle of self-identity and individuation, Accepting responsibility for actions and understanding results, Insight, innovation, liberation from the past, Last push to reach a successful outcome

Waning Moon 

The waning moon heralds in closure and the elimination of ideas, projects, and desires that are no longer needed in our lives. Lasting roughly two weeks like the waxing moon, this is the time the moon goes from full to dark. This is the time for “baneful” magic—that is anything that banishes or rids you of things you no longer want/need in your life.

Magical Workings & Energies - banishing, ridding yourself of illness, magic related to reducing things, Release, Closing phase—reaching the end or dying, Sense of social destiny and urge to sacrifice, Slowing down, withdrawing, receding, fading, dissolving, Letting go of the past and surrendering to the unknown, Preparing to produce the seed that will birth the new cycle

Blue Moon

The Blue Moon is a very special moon, a very particular event that can be calculated in two ways. It is seasonal if a Full Moon occurs four times in one season, in which case the third Full Moon is the Blue Moon; or it is calendrical if the Full Moon occurs twice in the same month, in which case the second moon is the Blue Moon.

Thanks to its rarity, the Blue Moon is particularly powerful. As with every Full Moon, lunar energy is at its peak, an ideal time to commemorate our successes, celebrate, and work toward making our wishes come true. The Blue Moon adds to the magic of the Full Moon and is truly a special occasion.

Since its occurrence is irregular, its phases are the same as the moon of the month in which it falls. For example, if a Blue Moon occurs as the second Full Moon in the month of November, its phases (Crescent, Waning, and New) will be the same as the moon of this month, the Fog Moon.

Magical Workings - Guided lunar meditation,  


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