Calends of Winter; clebrating Samhain
To me Calends of Winter is a time to reflect on Nature's rhythm as it represents the closing of the year and the hibernation of the earth. It
is a good time to think about the past year and to plan the year ahead.
It's a time to think about loved ones we have lost and an opportunity for closure. A time to think about our ancestors and where we have come from. This time of year represents life, in that we are all connected to magic and energy in the never-ending cycle.I spent some time reflecting on the past year and the people I have lost before I went to bed. I felt good about what I had accomplished so far this year and I know I have a lot to look forward to in the year ahead.
There was a terrible storm last night, I enjoy a good storm, mother nature showing us what she can do. The flashes of lightning and the claps of thunder were enough to keep me awake. I am glad of the storm because it woke me from terrible dream. I was in a room talking with some people and when I looked at things or picked them up they started dying, rotting, or decomposing. I'm not sure if this is due to Samhain or a combination of movies I have been watching over the last few nights but it was not a pleasant dream.
I know that death is a part of life but it scares me. I think it's the unknown aspect of it that worries me. We each of us have to come to terms that it will happen, there is no avoiding it. But we also decide what to believe about what comes next. As a witch I believe in a peaceful place where our souls reconnect with each other and find eternal happiness. I'm undecided if I believe a soul can be reborn and roam the earth again.
In the end, it's what we choose to believe, how we behave and value. I know there is more for me to learn and I am grateful to be an eternal student of the universe.
Day 31 of 366
Day 31 of 366
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