Magical and Medicinal uses of Lavendar


Lavender is easy to grow in your garden or in a pot. It is best harvested at the end of spring when its flowers have all opened. You can hang it in bunches, in a cool dry place to dry out and preserve. 

When it comes to Essential Oils Lavandin is less expensive, and quite a different oil with its own unique and different uses from Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) Essential oil. English Lavender essential oil contains between 0%-0.6% camphor, whereas Lavandin oil contains between 6%-10% camphor. 

Camphor is a very toxic compound that can prove fatal for infants and children on ingestion even in very small doses. The strong aroma associated with camphor has attracted its use in many oils, inhalants, and ointments, especially as a remedy for the common cold. This is why you should not ingest essential oils. 

This might not matter much to you if you are just looking at Lavender for it’s aroma, but if you care about purity and are looking to purchase Lavender for its therapeutic benefits, Lavandula angustifolia shows the ability to reduce inflammation and pain. 

Ancient Egyptians used lavender in their mummifying process and as a perfume on their clothes. In modern times, lavender is used for ailments such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, exhaustion, digestion, nervousness, and more. It is also used as a culinary herb to add aroma and flavor.

In some traditions, bundles of lavender were given to women during childbirth to bring courage and strength.

Spell Work:  Lavender is known to ward off evil spirits, promote long life of peace, and is also used for purification.

Lavender has been used for its medicinal properties dating back to 77 AD by the Greek Physician Dioscorides during the Roman Empire. It was recorded that lavender relieves indigestion, headaches, and sore throats. When taken internally, lavender even helped with wounds and burns.

Medicinal Uses: Lavender flowers are commonly used for seeking love, consecration and cleansing, happiness, healing, peace, protection, and inner calm. It is burned at during Litha as an offering. It can also be burned, used in a bath, or strewn around a place for purification, promoting peace, stress relief, and anger management.

Lavender can be worn for protection. Wear it for psychic protection, protects against nightmares, it also provides protection during travel. 

I have also seen articles and books that promote lavender in use for aiding divination, luck, gentleness, harmony, meditation, memory, stability, liberation, clairvoyance, and passion. Associated with chastity, secrets, weddings, attracting money, and menopause. Used in dealings with dreams and sleep. 

Preparation and Dosage: Internally- pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoon of dried flowers and allow to infuse for 10 minutes. Can be drunk up to three times a day. Externally- oil can be inhaled, rubbed on the skin, or used in baths. 

 Day 48 of 366


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