Changing of the Seasons, Mid Winter, Celebrating Yule

I think being in the southern hemisphere has really helped me to learn all I can about the changing of the seasons and not get swept up in other holidays that coincide with them if I were in the northern hemisphere. It's not about the dates set to a calendar, it's about the phases of the moon, and the growth in my garden. 

June the 20th to the 23rd is Yule here in Australia, our time of Winter and the Solstice. During winter the Norse viewed this time of year as a time for feasting and fun. The Celts traditionally gathered mistletoe and would sacrifice a white bull. This time of year and the different celebrations date back millennia.

For me the winter solstice means giving thanks for what we have, shelter from the cold, a warm house, friends and family. I plan to spend the solstice celebrating with good food and drink. I know we should practice gratitude each and every day, and I do, but on this occasion, I am dedicating a good portion of my time to being thankful and giving back.

Ideally, I would like to be up in the mountains in the morning to watch the sunrise, then I will spend the morning baking and cooking food for the feast in the evening and the days to come. I'll use the wood I gathered over the month to have a big warm fire inviting all my friends to join me.

Not just because I'm greedy for delicious food, but because the coldest days of winter are still to come and we need to fuel our bodies for the rest of winter ahead.

Depending on what the weather decides to do, I might spend some time in the garden, cleaning it and making sure it is surviving the winter too.

It will be interesting celebrating the Summer Solstice right before Christmas but I've grown up with summer Christmas' so it wont be all that strange. I am glad that the solstice lands between the 20th and the 23rd of December so that I can celebrate with my fellow Pagans and then save the 25th for celebrations with my family.

Day 76 of 366


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