Magical and Medicinal uses of Basil

I love basil, the leaves are so soft and cute and the rich, spicy aroma always reminds me of good food. If left to its own devises it's flowers appear in summer and are usually white or pale pink or purple.

I decided to start with basil in my garden as I know how to use it and it is one of the easier plants to grow. Not only is it tasty but it has a number of magical attributes. It is said that basil helps steady the mind (protects against insanity), it brings happiness, love, peace, and money. Basil is used in spells to attract love. It is also used for astral projection and to bring you luck on physical journeys.

When growing basil in your garden you need to put it in full sun with well-drained soil. The leaves let you know when the plant needs water as they wilt. They also perk back up pretty quickly after a good water. Basil hates frost, just one night of frost and goodbye basil.

To get the best results ie lots of leaves and plenty of flavour, pinch off the flower spikes as they form. This makes the plant put more energy and effort into the leaves. When harvesting take leaves from the top not the sides. You can plant basil with tomatoes and asparagus as a natural repellent to aphids, mites, tomato worms and beetles. 

The most pertinent use of basil in traditional witchcraft is for flying. Accordingly to legend witches would drink a concoction of basil oil or an infusion of basil before embarking on astral travel.

Spell Work: Basil is regularly used in Protection Spells, Love Spells and Rituals, Psychic Development, Hedge Riding, and Money Magic. The association of basil with love became so strong that men began wearing basil in their hats when they were ready to seek a wife. Women would give sprigs of basil to their love interest to solidify the relationship and was even used to divine future lovers. Two fresh basil leaves were placed upon a lump of hot coal. if the leaves remain falt and burn quickly, it is said that the relationship will be harmonious, but if they crackle or move slightly, then the relationship will be plagued with quarrels. If the leaves fly apart, the relationship will eventually end. To ensure your partner is faithful, sprinkle basil over their heart while they are asleep. Concerned they may be unfaithful? Hand them a sprig of basil and if it withers quickly, they are likely being unfaithful.

Medicinal Uses: Sweet Basil is commonly used to stimulate and soothe the stomach and intestinal activity, stomach cramps, nausea, indigestion, gas, and bloating. Due to its fragrant nature, it has also been used to cure bad breath. Topically, the juice from the leaves can be used to speed the healing of infected cuts, insect bites, and stings. The leaves can also be rubbed against the skin to repel insects. Holy Basil, on the other hand, promotes healthy uptake of sugars by the body and has been found to be beneficial in the early stages of diabetes. Holy Basil is also used to treat coughs and bronchitis and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.

Preparation and Dosage: Basil can be taken internally by eating the leaves straight, cooking the plant into foods, or through an infusion. To make an infusion, combine one cup of hot water with 5-10 fresh leaves. Allow the leaves to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink up to three times a day. Externally, the juice from the leaves of Sweet Basil can be used to treat insect bites, stings, and minor cuts. To make a poultice, grind a handful of fresh sweet basil leaves and apply it directly to the wound. 

 Day 79 of 366


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