Spell in a bottle - home cleansing spell


Negative energy gets stuck to things. The spiritual identity of your home is formed of its own energies, the energies of all those living in it, the energies from the land etc. So negative energy can function like oxidation—rust settling on the bright, shiny parts of the energy of your home. Scrub off that rust. Better yet, wipe down the shiny parts regularly, and the rust won’t form, leaving the energy of your home supportive, clean, and positive for everyone in it.

To purify something means to remove or transform the negative or undesired energy from it. Cleansing and blessing are at the heart of all magical maintenance for protective purposes. Once the negative or undesired energy has been cleared, the next step is to fill it intentionally with a specified energy. By being in control of what kind of energy goes into it, you can fine-tune your home’s energy to your needs or desires.

This spell is set to be performed every full moon, solstices and equinoxes are great, or the first of every month—whatever schedule works for you. Regular cleansing on the same date every month will help you keep the rhythm. The point is to do it regularly—as regularly as your space requires and your schedule allows.

What You Need:

Incense (sandalwood, sage, frankincense)
Matches or lighter
Dish of water
1 teaspoon salt
1 small glass bottle 

What to Do:

1. On the day of the full moon or the day before or following it, gather what you need. Center and ground yourself.

2. Say, “Negative energies I banish you. By the power of my will, I send you from this place.”

3. Carry the incense in a counterclockwise direction through your house. Step into each room and circulate counterclockwise, waving the incense smoke into corners and past large furniture with your free hand. Visualize the negativity as a murky fog that dissipates as the incense swirls into it. Repeat the words as you move throughout the house if you like.

4. When you reach your starting point, put down the incense. Sprinkle the salt into the water and stir it with your finger, drawing energy up from the ground and down your arm to pass from your finger into the water.

5. Say, “Safety, luck, health, and abundance, I invite you here. Fill this house with your many blessings. Keep us safe and well.”

6. Sit and visualize these positive energies entering your body. Take the water with you and as you walk around your home once again visualize spreading this energy into every corner. Dip your fingers into the water and flick them into the air as you circulate through the rooms.

7. When you reach your starting point, put the ash from the incense into your jar followed by the water and say, “It is done.” It is best to keep the bottle sealed until the next casting, but it is not essential. Once the incense is doused with water the spell is complete. 


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