Deep dreaming
Have you ever had that dream of falling? From my conversations with people it seems like a popular occurrence. For me it happens most when I'm trying to fly in the dream. I'm getting a run up ready to take off and I'll start floating but before I am really flying I fall back down, sometimes from a fair height.
Occasionally it makes me fall into my bed with a gasp and my heart racing. I have learned that dreaming about falling can be the mind’s symbolic way of alerting the dreamer to a situation in her waking life where she feels out of control or where things are quite literally going quickly downhill. It's not always big things either, it just depends on how much of those things are occupying my thoughts before bed.
Something I uncovered about myself was that I sometimes suppress feelings. Something I learned as a child, put on a happy face, no one wants to be around someone who's always a downer. I have been trying to unlearn this ever since.
If dreams of falling bring up feelings of vulnerability and fear, realize that the goal is not to avoid them but rather to work with those dreams in your waking state to deal with the fears around the situation so you can regain your balance.
Dreams are so important, the conscious ones we envision of our futures as well as the subconscious messages we hear and see in our sleep. I like to think that my guardians are looking out for me and visiting me in that place between sleep and wakefulness. Sending me messages to keep me safe and protecting me.
Sweet dreams.
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