Reading List: Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit by Amy Blackthorn

Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit is a book that you will return to over and over again. I feel that I have gained so much knowledge and understand more about crafting powerful natural magick. 

Amy invites us to develop a new respect and relationship with resins, herbs and incense taking these beyond simply being an alternative to air freshener or ephemeral ambiance for your workings and imbuing them with reverence and intention filled purpose. 

Our senses carry us into the “other” realms in their own way and the olfactory sense is one of the most profound in its ability to carry us through time and space in recreating and forming memory and cyclical reciprocity. I've experienced this time and again but being able to articulate and harness the body's own magic feels very powerful. 

Everything you need to know is covered in an impressive arrangement of chapters and focus that starts with “What Everyone Needs to Know Before Starting a Cleansing Practice”.  The information is written in a user-friendly and very engaging way that speaks to the novice as well as the advanced practitioner of herbs. 

Day 97 of 366


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