Mercury in retrograde 2022
So what does Mercury in retrograde mean? Mercury in retrograde quite literally refers to the time period when Mercury appears to go backward in its orbit. It looks like its moving from West to East. This moment happens three or four times a year, following its 88-day circle around the sun.
Mercury in retrograde is said to usually occur three times a year, but in 2022 we’re getting four. The current period just started on May 10 and will last until June 3, 2022. After this, the next Mercury in the retrograde cycle won’t be until September 9 and is expected to last until October 1, 2022.
So what does this mean for us? Mercury in retrograde is thought to predominantly affect communication, technology, and travel – areas that are usually ruled by the planet. It has a bad reputation because it usually affects these things in a negative way. A Mercury in retrograde season is reported to mean general shit hitting the fan. Over this time, there are reports of relationship challenges, from infidelity to unfounded arguments, workplace struggles, financial difficulties, messages from exes, friendship dramas, and just general miscommunication.
Rather than fearing the next few days and living in frustration, use this as a reminder to slow down and take your time. Be more cautious and considerate. Make sure that you double and triple-check all dates and times for appointments, flights or events.
This energy is also very powerful for working on the details of projects or plans that are percolating. This is a great time to sit down with projects that have been needing a little extra effort in order to get finished like editing, sorting or organizing. This can be a very good time to get some work done both internally and in our environment. As always with the Mercury Retrograde, make sure you look very closely at anything you need to sign and backup all technological devices.
If you're thinking of spellwork, candle magic is a particularly helpful type of ritual work to utilize during this retrograde — because firstly, retrogrades are complicated transits, and candle magic is about as uncomplicated as it gets. A simple candle ritual can be performed with literally just a candle (plus your own energy), so it doesn't require anything fancy. And while many candle rituals are enhanced by additional tools that you'd be more likely to find in a metaphysical or witches' store, you can certainly perform simple candle magic with nothing but a candle and other things you probably already have at your fingertips.
Be sure to energetically cleanse yourself, your ritual space, and your ritual tools before beginning any spellwork using whatever means resonate best with you. You might also want to take a salt bath or even an intentional shower before beginning your ritual work. Lastly, if you follow a nature-based practice, you may want to consecrate the corners or use other traditional pre-ritual preparations.
Sending positive vibes, love, and light xx
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